Elephant Strength Gin 57% 500ml
- Imported from Germany. Elephant Strength is based on the award-winning Elephant London Dry Gin and with its 57% ABV, it is stronger and richer than the original. The Strength encompasses twice the quantity of botanicals and a focus on the extraordinary African buchu, sweet orange peel and herbaceous mountain pine.
- The Elephant Strength bottle takes inspiration from its naval origins with navy blue accents and an inviting map of the ocean, conjuring far-flung exploration and the spirit of adventure at the heart of the brand. Instead of the hemp string that ties around the London Dry bottles, the Strength Gin features a rope-like string with a charming miniature anchor hanging from it.
- 15% of Elephant Gin’s profits go to two African elephant foundations.
- Awarded Gold Medal at World Spirirts 2021; Best German Navy World Gin Award 2021
- 500ml x 6 bottles