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Ginato Pomegranate Gin 43% 700ml

Ginato Pomegranate Gin 43% 700ml

  • Imported from Italy.

  • The distillery is located in Ravenna, in the northern Italian province of Emilia Romagna, a diverse region that is home to seaside towns, historic towns and incredible Italian gastronomy.

  • By expertly blending the finest Barbera grape with pomegranate and juniper berries, Ginato has created a wonderful gin that is extremely unique and exudes the true essence of Italy.

  • Ginato Melograno is a fresh and bright gin distilled with Sicilian pomegranates and blended with the best Barbera grapes grown in Italy.

  • §Barbera Grape + Pomegranate

  • Available in 700ml x 6 glass bottle.

  • Alcohol content: 43%

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