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Martin Miller’s Summerful Gin 40% 700ml

Martin Miller’s Summerful Gin 40% 700ml

  • Imported from England. 
  • In homage to the brand’s heritage, the gin undergoes a third distillation using botanicals from England and Iceland’s spring and summer seasons – Arctic thyme and rosemary. It is also blended with Icelandic spring water that provides a “silky softer mouth feel”.
  • This seasonal spirit is to celebrate Martin Miller's Gin brand’s 20th anniversary.
  • The launch of Summerful Gin demonstrated how the brand continues to innovate in an ever-changing gin industry. 
  • Summerful Gin is recommended served with tonic water, a wedge of grapefruit and a sprig of rosemary, or in cocktails such as a Southside or a Dry Martini.
  • 700ml x 6 bottles
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