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Master’s London Dry Pink Gin 37.5% 700ml

Master’s London Dry Pink Gin 37.5% 700ml

  • Imported from Spain.
  • Master’s London Dry Gin coins a new term on the front of their bottle: Triple distilled gin. And trades on a very familiar one: London Dry Gin.
  • Master’s is distilled in Spain at Destilerías MG who can trace their origin as spirits producers back to 1835. Some sources on the internet suggest that Master’s London Dry Gin has been made continuously since 1982.
  • The production process – grain spirit is re-distillded with juniper, cardamom and coriander, then combined with macerations of Seville lemon, bitter Seville orange and sweet Valencia orange (all of which are rested for a year before being combined, distilled and blended with the first distillate). Following that, strawberries and raspberries are macerated in the gin, imparting fruitiness and the delightful pink bottle.
  • 700ml x 6 bottles
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